The Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) invites proposals for research or outreach projects that have the potential to transform global challenges into new opportunities that advance and promote Cartography and GIScience.
Creativity, novelty, and the potential for broader impacts to society will constitute key criteria for evaluating these proposals for funding.
More information
Proposals may request a budget up to $10,000, and CaGIS expects to fund at least one project for this funding cycle. We welcome early-career individuals or teams to submit proposals, and at least one person on the project team must be a current CaGIS member (visit cartogis.org/membership to join CaGIS). For the purpose of this funding opportunity, early career academics are defined as having earned their PhD within the past five years. Early career professionals are defined as having spent less than five years in a GIS/Cartography career path. Graduate and undergraduate students are also encouraged to submit proposals for this funding opportunity.
The nature of proposed activities may vary, and creative approaches are especially welcome. The project period for each award will be twelve months of effort.
The CaGIS Board will assess each proposal based on the following criteria:
1. Novelty and creativity towards advancing the state of the art and/or practice in Cartography and GIScience
2. Potential for broader impacts to the research community and to society
3. Project feasibility within the proposed timeframe
A final report is required for each winning proposal to document activities, participation, responses, and concluding remarks. Award recipients are required to present their results at a future CaGIS Conference.
Proposals for CaGIS Rising are due by November 15, 2022.
Submission details:
Proposals are limited to a maximum of 2500 words (not including references, the budget and budget justification)
Competitive proposals include:
- A description of the problem and research question(s)
- The relevant literature that this project would build upon
- A description of the methods, the data to be collected and the planned analysis
- Anticipated significance/impact of the results
- A budget request with a budget justification – in other words, what is needed to conduct the research, and why? Budgets can include the following items: the purchase of data, costs associated with data collection, critical equipment and software, hiring of students to assist with research activities. Contact Kari Craun with questions about allowable budget expenses.
- A timeline highlighting deliverables
Prior to issuance of the Grant, the recipient must provide correspondence from the appropriate institutional administrative office specifying where the funds are to be sent, and certifying institutional oversight of funds expenditures.
Submissions should be sent as a single Adobe PDF document to: cagisexecdir@gmail.com with the subject line: CaGIS Rising Grant Proposal.