U.S. National Report Archives

Every four years, the U.S. National Committee (USNC) for the International Cartographic Association (ICA) publishes the U.S. National Report to summarize cartographic and GIScience activities in the country during the previous four years across all sectors, including academia, industry, government, and others. The report is provided to all national members of the ICA, and by extension, the U.S. cartographic and GIScience community.


Please see the U.S. National Report web page for details.


The 2019 U.S. National Report has two parts— an online report and a single peer-reviewed article by Clarke, Johnson, and Trainor (accompanied by an introductory editorial by Buckley) in Cartography and Geographic Information Science.

Buckley, A., ed. (2019) 2019 US National Report. (U.S. National Committee for the International Cartographic Association), July 2019, https://cartogis.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019_US_National_Report.pdf.
Clarke, K. C., Johnson, J. M., & Trainor, T. (2019). Contemporary American cartographic research: a review and prospective. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 46:3, 196-209. doi: 10.1080/15230406.2019.1571441
Buckley, A. R. (2019). Editorial: 2019 US National Report to the ICA. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 46:3, 195. doi: 10.1080/15230406.2019.1574554


Bevington-Attardi, B. & Rice, M. (2015). On the map: American cartography in 2015. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 42:sup1, 1–5. doi: 10.1080/15230406.2015.1060112


Edsall, R. (2011). American Cartography 2011: Benchmarks and Projections, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 38:3, 246–249. doi: 10.1559/15230406382246


Leitner, M., & Skupin, A. (2007). Cartography 2007: Reflection, Status, and Prediction, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 34:2, 73–75. doi: 10.1559/152304007781002217


Harvey, F. J. (2003). Transitions in U.S. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 30:2, 95–98. doi: 10.1559/152304003100010983


Brewer, C. A. (1999). The State of U.S. Cartography, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 26:3, 165–166. doi: 10.1559/152304099782330662


Slocum, T. A. (1995). Introduction, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 22:2, 109–114. doi: 10.1559/152304095782540474


McMaster, R. B. (1991). Introduction, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 18:3, 149–150. doi: 10.1559/152304091783786916


Loy, W. G. (1987). Preface and Acknowledgements, The American Cartographer, 14:3, 196. doi: 10.1559/152304087783875831

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