ICA Scholarships

The 2024 CaGIS+UCGIS Symposium has been designated an International Cartographic Association Regional Conference.  Participants who have submitted abstracts are eligible to apply for an ICA scholarship. The deadline for requesting a letter of support is 25 March 2024 and for submission of scholarship application materials to the ICA is 1 April 2024. The maximum amount of the award for participants in the United States is the USD equivalent of 500 Euros. See below for detailed instructions on how to apply.

The International Cartographic Association (ICA) offers scholarships to support early career scholars and professionals in advancing their career in cartography and GIScience to the benefit of the ICA community. ICA scholarships can be used to participate in the  International Cartographic Conferences (ICC) and ICA Regional Cartographic Conferences. These scholarships also support participation in ICA commission/working group workshops. Additional details and guidelines are available at icaci.org/scholarship.

Scholarship applications from must be accompanied by a letter of support from the U.S. National Delegate. Please email the U.S. National Delegate to the ICA, Aileen Buckley, to request this letter by 25 March 2024. Include with your request a .zip file containing all the materials you will be submitting to apply for the scholarship, including:

  1. Your name, pronouns (please!), postal address, e-mail, birth year, affiliated institution, level of matriculation (are you still in school, and if so at what level, or are you recently graduated and if so, when? – please include this!), and form of participation (in-person or virtual, paper or poster, etc.). This information should also be included in your email to the ICA Secretary-General when you submit your application.
  2. A short curriculum vitae with publication list, where applicable, and clearly indicating the date and type of last degree earned or the degree you are currently working on.
  3. Proof of your most recent year’s education or degree (e.g., a recent transcript).
  4. A short 150-word statement explaining how you meet the criteria, why ICA should award you, and what benefit you expect to gain from the scholarship.
  5. A copy of the abstract that is also submitted for the ICC.

Once you have received the letter of support, please include all the required application materials in a .zip file and send that in an email to the ICA per the instructions on this ICA web page: https://icaci.org/scholarship/. In your email, please include the information in item 1 above.

Deadlines for AsiaCarto 2024

1 August 2024Requests for ICA Scholarship letters of support from the U.S. National Delegate closes.
7 August 2024Submission of all ICA Scholarship application materials to the ICA closes.

Recent Winners

2024 CaGIS + UCGIS Conference, Columbus, OH

ICA Scholarship winners for the 2024 CaGIS + UCGIS Conference

Twenty-one of the 24 ICA Scholarship winners for the CaGIS + UCGIS Conference were from the United States. Photo courtesy of Aileen Buckley.

2023 International Cartographic Conference, Cape Town, South Africa

Sixteen of the 33 ICA Scholarship winners for ICC 2023 were from the United States. Photo courtesy of Stephan Wondrak.

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