Ethics in Mapping:
Integrity, Inclusion, and Empathy
CaGIS proudly presented AutoCarto 2022, the 24th International Research Symposium on cartography and GIScience, focused on the intersection of these two disciplines.
The conference brought attention to the ethical responsibilities we face in all aspects of our practice, provided a forum for discussion on the power of maps and spatial analyses, and highlighted opportunities for discussions of integrity, inclusion, and empathy in cartography and GIScience.
AutoCarto 2022 was held on the Esri Campus in Redlands, California, from November 2-4, 2022. Workshops were held on November 1st.

By the Numbers
- This is the 1st time AutoCarto was offered as a hybrid event for both in-person and virtual participants
- 3 keynote presenters with 9 panelists in associated sessions
- 52 presentations in twelve sessions, plus 5 posters
- 142 authors of accepted submissions
- 6 workshops offered by 18 organizers
- A total of 172 contributors: keynotes, panelists, paper and poster authors, workshop organizers
- A total of 75 presentations, not counting talks in the Opening and Closing sessions
- 184 registrations – 112 in-person, 72 virtual
- This is the 1st time AutoCarto was an ICA Regional Cartographic Conference
- 10 students were funded by CaGIS as assistants
- 9 students received ICA scholarships to attend
Conference Organization
Conference Co-Chairs
Aileen Buckley, Esri
Dan Cole, Smithsonian Institution
Program Committee
Marguerite Madden, University of Georgia – Co-Chair
Angela Yao, University of Georgia – Co-Chair
Samantha Arundel, U.S. Geological Survey
Barbara Buttenfield, University of Colorado-Boulder
Rex Cammack , The University of Nebraska Omaha
Daniel Cole, Smithsonian Institution
Arzu Coltekin, University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Tom Cova, University of Utah
Sara Irina Fabrikant, University of Zurich
Song Gao, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Kevin Hawley, U.S. Census Bureau
Marco Helbich, Utrecht University
Bin Jiang, University of Gävle
Caglar Koylu, University of Iowa
Barry Kronenfeld, Eastern Illinois University
Mark Kumler, University of Redlands
Wenwen Li, Arizona State University
Grant McKenzie, McGill University
Liqiu Meng, Technic University of Munich
Thomas Pingel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Raechel Portelli, Michigan State University/University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Anthony Robinson, The Pennsylvania State University
Amy Rock, Cal Poly Humbolt
Jochen Schiewe, HafenCity University Hamburg
Jerry Shannon, University of Georgia
Shih-Lung Shaw, University of Tennessee
Michael Shin, University of California at Los Angeles
Alex Singleton, University of Liverpool
Gaurav Sinha, Ohio University
Alexandre Sorokine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kathleen Stewart, University of Maryland
Wenwu Tang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Jean-Claude Thill, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Wei Tu, Georgia Southern University
Monica Wachowicz, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Hongbo Yu, Oklahoma State University
Chuanrong Zhang, University of Connecticut
Organizing Committee
Rex Cammack, University of Nebraska – Omaha
Kari Craun, retired (U.S. Geological Survey)
Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina – Charlotte
Indy Hurt, Zillow
Barry Kronenfeld, Eastern Illinois University
Mark Kumler, University of Redlands
Thomas Pingel, Virginia Tech University
Amy Rock, Cal Poly Humboldt
Gaurav Sinha, Ohio University
Alexandre Sorokine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory