AutoCarto 2022 Workshops

1. CaGIS and IJGIS Joint Workshop on Publications

Tuesday. 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Auditorium

Cartographic and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) and the International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), both published by Taylor & Francis Group, are leading journals in GIS and mapping science. In this workshop, the journals’ editors and managing editor will: 1) provide an overview of recent developments for these journals; 2) discuss new policies and visions in academic publications, including the implementation of new data-sharing and reproducibility policies; and 3) answer questions from potential and current authors and reviewers.

Eric Delmelle, Editor of Cartography and Geographic Information Science (
Jennifer Miller, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Geographic Information Science (
Tricia Pantos, Taylor & Francis (

Sponsor: Taylor & Francis Group (

Delivery mode: Hybrid
Length: 1.5 hours

Note: If you cannot attend AutoCarto 2022 but want to participate in this workshop virtually, please contact the organizers directly via email.

2. Living Structure as a Scientific Foundation of Maps and Mapping

Tuesday. 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. Q1 West B

Living structure is a physical phenomenon and mathematical structure that has two distinguishing properties: “more or less similar things” at each scale, and “far more small things than large ones” across all scales ranging from the smallest to the largest. These two notions underlie the two fundamental laws of living structure: Tobler’s Law and the Scaling Law (Jiang 2015). The Earth’s surface is essentially a living structure, in which these two notions recur at different levels of scale, e.g., at the global, continental, country, city, and building’s facade scales, and down to the scale of ornaments on a wall. In essence, it is these recurring living structures that make maps and mapping possible. Given the right perspective and scope, living structure can be pervasively seen in our surroundings: not only in nature, but also in the things we human beings make or build. In some situations, however, we are not able to see the kind of living structure, particularly if we are constrained by a certain perspective or scope. For example, a street network is not a living structure, when seen from the perspective of street segments or junctions. Instead, the street network is indeed a living structure if seen from the perspective of individual streets, because across all scales, there are “far more short streets than long ones” geometrically or “far more less-connected streets than well-connected ones” topologically, or “far more meaningless streets than meaningful ones” semantically, whereas at each scale, there are “more or less similar” streets. What underlies the phenomenon of living structure is the new third view of space: space is neither lifeless nor neutral, but a living structure capable of being more living or less living.

In this workshop, we will attempt to challenge the current paradigm of cartography and GIScience, by advocating a new mapping paradigm. We will use the two concepts – natural cities and natural streets – to demonstrate the ubiquity of living structure and Scaling Law, and further demonstrate the automatic generation of all small-scale databases from a single large-scale database. The generated databases are not only for discrete map scales, but also for any scale in between. Some hands-on work will be carried out with two tools: Axwoman and head/tail breaks.

For more details, download this pdf file.

Bin Jiang, University of Gävle, Sweden (
Xintao Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (

Jean-Claude Thill, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (

ICA Working Group on Digital Transformation of National Mapping Agencies (
ICA Commission on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (
International Society for Urban Informatics (
International Geographical Union Commission on Modeling Geographical Systems (

Delivery mode: Virtual
Length: 3 hours

Note: If you cannot attend AutoCarto 2022 but want to participate in this workshop virtually, please contact the organizers directly via email.

3. Map Projections – Practical Selection and Use with Current Research Directions

Tuesday. 1:30 – 4:30 pm. Q1 West EBR

Map projections are a critical part of any map design and creation. The plethora of existing projections allows a user to select an appropriate map projection to preserve the global characteristics that are critical to the map design. Unfortunately, map makers and users of geospatial information have little understanding of map projection concepts and are not able to select a correct map projection for the type and purpose of the map being created. This lack of knowledge results in diminished effectiveness of the map’s utility.

This workshop will focus on various topics related to map projections and includes: surveying the important challenges when selecting an appropriate map projection, exploring what research has revealed about peoples’ cognitive understanding of map projections, summarizing the importance of map projection education, and reviewing software design that supports map makers in making good analytical and design decisions with map projections.

The workshop will include a brief tutorial on map projection concepts, selection, and use. Next, a panel discussion will explore cognitive issues related to map projections. A review of map projection software that supports spatial decision-making will follow. Then, the workshop will conclude with several presentations on current research and events across the map projection community.

Prior to the meeting, we encourage prospective attendees/participants to examine the agenda and guidelines at the Commission on Map Projections website,

For more details and a draft agenda, download this pdf file.

Sarah Battersby, Tableau Research / Salesforce, Inc. (
Fritz Kessler, The Pennsylvania State University (

Sponsor: ICA Commission on Map Projections (

Delivery mode: In-person
Length: 3 hours

4. Using ArcGIS StoryMaps to Craft Racial Equity and Diversity Narratives

Tuesday. 1:30 – 4:30 pm. Q1 West B

This workshop will be divided into two parts. In the first half of the workshop, you will get an introduction to ArcGIS StoryMaps, Dan Cole will share how Smithsonian uses stories about diversity, equity, and inclusion for educational outreach of artistic, historic, and scientific research and exhibits, and you will hear examples of how to craft racial equity, diversity, and social justice narratives. The second half of the workshop is the hands-on Build-Along. You will learn how to plan and outline your narratives and will follow along in the creation of a story.

People in communities worldwide face a wide range of racial inequities and explaining and addressing those challenges is complex. Some communities are dealing with underfunded schools and families that lack access to broadband and computers. Many are coping with the impact of heat islands. Individuals and organizations need to articulate the complexities of these issues and communicate their plans and actions to stakeholders to ground truth their understanding and solidify support. Like many others, you can turn to ArcGIS StoryMaps to communicate about racial equity and justice, inspire action, and invite new audiences into the conversation. Join us for a session where we examine compelling examples, talk about responsible storytelling, and brainstorm ways you might apply this to your own work.

Learn how at the Smithsonian they have utilized StoryMaps in a variety of ways to educate and interact with the general public and local communities about their exhibits, research, and other activities. A few of the many stories created thus far at the Smithsonian include examples like: Our Places: Connecting People; Create a More Equitable Future; and A Right to the City. Most of these cover aspects of art, science, and history while dealing with the diversity of experiences of their work with people, animals, plants, and geology.

Ashley Du, Esri (
Jennifer Bell, Esri (
Dan Cole, Smithsonian Institution (

Esri (
Smithsonian Institution (

Delivery mode: Hybrid
Computers: Participants need to bring their own laptop
Length: 3 hours

5. Geospatial Data, Dashboards, Analytics and Scientific Communication – Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Panel Session

Tuesday. 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. Auditorium

The nature of a crisis is that it both magnifies our systemic shortcomings while also inspiring innovation. COVID-19, as a long-term global crisis has followed suit, exposing inadequate data systems, lack of interoperability, and delayed and rather terse communication systems. At the same time, needs such as pattern prediction, trend analysis and real-time reporting inspired innovation.

Geospatial tools provide unparalleled opportunities to solve pandemic challenges. Early in the pandemic, the dashboard that Johns Hopkins University stood up served as the only global resource for real-time situational awareness. It has since received trillions of hits and inspired similar dashboards for other geographies, including countries, states, and provinces, cities, and more.

In this session, we review the innovations fueled by modern geographic information systems and their implications for a more resilient future. Participants will speak from a variety of perspectives about finding and collating COVID-19 data; performing analysis of the data to reveal salient and actionable information; pairing GIS and cloud technology as the foundation for collaboration and interactivity; and creating maps and dashboards to visualize and communicate the scientific information in a form that people from all over the world can digest quickly, easily and accurately.

For more details, download this file of the proposed plan.

Aileen Buckley, Esri (
Tim Trainor, ICA (

Esri (

Delivery mode: Hybrid
Length: 1.5 hours

6. Advancing Ethics in Cartography

Tuesday. 1:30 – 3:00 pm. Auditorium

The purpose of this workshop is to review progress to date on developing a set of guiding value principles for ethics in cartography. Current content review and gap analysis performed prior to the workshop will be presented. The desired outcome is to finalize the guiding principles and begin to identify resources related to the principles.

This is the last in a series of events held in 2022 that focused on ethics in mapmaking: a panel session at the American Association of Geographers Meeting, roundtable discussions at an IMIA Mapping Leaders Forum, a technical workshop at the Esri User Conference, and a workshop and technical session at EuroCarto.

In this final workshop, conversation will revolve around the responsibilities cartographers and mapmakers have for ensuring that a map’s content and design do no harm and the fundamental baselines for ethical mapmaking to ensure that the authority of maps endures. The goal is to clarify ethical issues of interest and work toward developing guidance on them for the cartographic and GIScience communities.

Aileen Buckley, Esri and USNC to ICA (
Tim Trainor, ICA (
Thomas Schultz, ICA (
Alexander Kent, British Cartographic Society (
Mark Cygan, International Map Industry Association (

Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) (
International Cartographic Association (ICA) (

Delivery mode: Hybrid
Length: 1.5 hours

Join the largest Cartography and Geographic Information Science network.