AutoCarto 2020—online and free of cost for all—offers presentations, workshops, and visionary keynotes from participants across the globe.

Aileen Buckley, AutoCarto 2020 Conference Chair, introduces the scope, value, and purpose of the conference. She reflects on the conference theme and summarizes the keynote talks. She also provides a brief history of the AutoCarto Symposium series and explains its continued importance as a venue for important discourse on cartography and GIScience.
Visionary Keynotes

The main program consists of 40 papers including extended abstracts and/or slides and recorded presentations organized by these seven themes:

Seven virtual workshops on a variety of themes from organizers around the world provide a diverse selection to choose from. Workshops are offered by CaGIS, Esri, Taylor & Francis, USGS, AAG, and others.
Contact workshop organizers directly for details.
To help support future AutoCarto conferences, and the research, education, and practice of Cartography and Geographic Information Science.

AutoCarto 2020 is endorsed by the International Cartographic Association.
Program Committee
May Yuan, University of Texas at Dallas – Chair
David Alvarez, Esri
Samantha Arundel, U.S. Geological Survey
Thomas Blaschke, University of Salzburg
Barbara Buttenfield, University of Colorado – Boulder
Keith Clarke, University of California – Santa Barbara
Daniel Cole, Smithsonian Institution
Tom Cova, University of Utah
Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina – Charlotte
Sara Irina Fabrikant, University of Zurich
Song Gao, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Marco Helbich, Utrecht University
Alexander Hohl, University of Utah
Indy Hurt, Zillow
Bin Jiang, University of Gävle
Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Aalborg University Copenhagen
Mei-Po Kwan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Nina Lam, Louisiana State University
Wenwen Li, Arizona State University
Steven Manson, University of Minnesota
Grant McKenzie, McGill University
Jennifer Miller, University of Texas at Austin
Tom Pingel, Virginia Tech University
Anthony Robinson, Pennsylvania State University
Shih-Lung Shaw, University of Tennessee
Alex Singleton, University of Liverpool
Gaurav Sinha, Ohio University
Alexandre Sorokine, Oak Ridge Nathional Laboratory
Kathleen Stewart, University of Maryland
Wenwu Tang, University of North Carolina – Charlotte
E. Lynn Usery, U.S. Geological Survey
Dalia Varanka, U.S. Geological Survey
Monica Wachowicz, University of New Brunswick
Hongbo Yu, Oklahoma State University
Chuanrong Zhang, University of Connecticut