Four presenters speak to the theme of WhereNext in visionary keynotes from industry, government, and academia, as well as an international perspective.

Tim Trainor
International Cartographic Assoc.
Tim Trainor is President of the International Cartographic Association. He is a self-employed consultant assisting the United Nations Secretariat as an expert on geospatial initiatives related to Global Geospatial Information Management.
In January 2018, Mr. Trainor retired from the U.S. Census Bureau after serving 37 years in the Geography Division. He began his career as a cartographer in the Cartographic Methods Branch. There he transitioned from leading conventional mapping methods to designing and implementing fully-automated cartographic systems to produce millions of maps supporting decennial censuses.
In 1995, he became Chief of the Cartographic Products Management Branch where he was responsible for the publication of map products including outline maps, thematic maps, and boundary files. In 2008, he became Chief of the Geography Division where he was responsible for directing the development and implementation of geographic and cartographic activities necessary to support the Census Bureau’s data collection, tabulation, and dissemination programs for the United States.

Deirdre Dalpiaz Bishop
Chief, Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau
Deirdre Dalpiaz Bishop is chief of the Geography Division at the U.S. Census Bureau, where she leads a staff of over 200 employees in the development of a national geospatial database.
Prior to her current role, Deirdre served as chief of the Decennial Census Management Division, where she implemented the 2020 Census Research and Testing Program and completed the 2020 Census Operational Plan three years ahead of last decade.
Deirdre received her master’s degree in public administration from New York University and her bachelor’s degree in urban studies from Lehigh University. She is a graduate of the Department of Commerce’s Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program and was three times honored with the Census Bureau’s Bronze Medal Award.

Clint Brown
Director, Product Engineering
Clint Brown has been responsible for managing all Esri GIS product releases in use today in hundreds of thousands of organizations worldwide since 1983. He is the Director of Product Engineering at Esri and manages a division of hundreds of GIS analysts, app programmers, writers, and test analysts.
Clint’s teams work directly with Esri’s Software Development teams directed by Sud Menon to build and engineer all of ArcGIS, Story Maps, the Living Atlas of the World, and Through the years, he has maintained a passion for GIS best practices and guidance for helping users make a difference in our world by effectively applying GIS. Esri Press is also part of his responsibilities.
Attended SMU 1971-1975 earning a BS in Economics and Texas A&M from 1976-1978 for his MS in Statistics.

Keith Clarke
Professor, Dept. of Geography
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Keith C. Clarke is a research cartographer and professor at UCSB. He holds the B.A. degree with honours from Middlesex Polytechnic, London, England, and the M.A. and Ph. D. from the University of Michigan, in Geography, specializing in Analytical Cartography. He joined the faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1996, and chaired the department of Geography from 2000-2006. Dr. Clarke’s research has been on environmental simulation modeling, on modeling urban growth using cellular automata, on terrain mapping and analysis, on wearable and mobile computing for GIS, and on the history of the CORONA remote sensing program.
Dr. Clarke is the former North American Editor of the International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, and series editor for the Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science. He is the author of the textbooks, Analytical and Computer Cartography (2 editions) (Prentice Hall, 1995), Getting Started with GIS (1997) (5 editions), Maps and Web Mapping (2015) and over three hundred book chapters, journal articles, and papers in the fields of cartography, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.
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AutoCarto 2020 is endorsed by the International Cartographic Association.